November 19th is World Toilet Day 2019.

World Toilet Day is drawing attention to those people being left behind without sanitation and the social, economic and environmental consequences of inaction.  A toilet is not just a toilet. It’s a life-saver, dignity-protector and opportunity-maker.

We must expand access to safe toilets and leave no one behind. Because whoever you are, wherever you are, sanitation is your human right.

For full details on the campaign see  World Toilet Day 2019

Expanding safe and accessible toilets to leave no one behind is not just a goal for communities and governments in poorer countries – the campaign is aimed at developing and ensuring all global citizens have access to toilet facilities on a daily basis to provide the most basic of needs. In Ireland in 2019 we still do not have enough accessible toilets to meet the needs of our population. MMS Medical supports the Changing Places Campaign in Ireland. These facilities are changing peoples lives but there are still only 15 registered facilities around the country.

What are Changing Places Toilets?

Changing Places facilities are different to standard disabled or accessible toilets. Changing Places facilities provide a larger space and must have a minimum floor area of 12m2 (3m x 4m) with a ceiling height of 2.4m in order to meet the criteria for registration as a Changing Place facility in Ireland. Changing Places include specialist equipment such as a full room coverage ceiling hoist system, a height-adjustable adult sized changing bench, centrally located toilet to allow for assistance or transfer on both sides and a privacy screen. Changing Places facilities are life changing and designed to support the disabled community and provide access to public toilet facilities that meet the more complex needs. Without these types of facilities, carers are forced to change loved ones on the floor or not venture to public places at all due to lack of adequate facilities.

Why do we need Changing Places Toilets in Ireland?

13.5% of the Irish Population has a disability ( and while many accessible toilets meet their needs there is a large proportion of people and their carers who cannot visit public places due to the lack of suitable toilet facilities. The Changing Places campaign in Ireland is highlighting the need for more of these types of facilities to allow families, friends and carers take part in activities and visit places such as a zoo, libraries, swimming pools, shopping centres and sporting arenas most of us take for granted. At present there are only 15 registered Changing Place facilities in Ireland.

Considering a Changing Place ? – Contact MMS Medical

If you would like to discuss a Changing Places project or want MMS Medical to carry out an on-site, free of charge appraisal please email us your information at or complete the contact us page on this site. Our customer service team is on-hand Monday to Friday to assist with your enquiries on 021  461 8000