Information Hub

Information Hub2022-01-14T12:14:05+00:00

A Quantum Change for Darren

Darren Noonan had been waiting seven months for a new wheelchair, but had been unable to secure funding. Darren has Spina Bifida and needs regular kidney dialysis – his old wheelchair was literally falling apart and his life became limited to time spent going from his bed to the couch and back again. Darren needed a new power chair as his current one was outdated. Darren's mother, Kathleen explained their circumstances on RTE Radio One's Liveline with Joe Duffy. Darren also joined her on air to outline his concerns about [...]

Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery

One of five people will have a stoke at some time in their life. Most are over 65’s but stroke can strike at any age. If you, a friend or a family member has suffered a stroke then you will be all to well aware of the need for timely intervention by medical and health professionals. With years of research and increasing public awareness , we now know that strokes are very treatable and if the right actions are taken quickly, a patient may not have long term effects. [...]

Are you sitting comfortably? Daniel is now in his C1 petite Waterfall Back Riser Recliner.

Daniels’ family contacted MMS Medical to enquire about a riser recliner. Daniel is in now in a care home and the family were looking for a seating option that would provide both postural support and comfort as he is seated for long periods of time during the day. With reduced mobility he was sitting in a wheelchair watching tv or during daily activities. Both his occupational therapist and the family felt this was not the best option and at times was not providing the best support, particularly when Daniel would [...]

Standing with Wheelchairs – what are the benefits and advantages?

Standing and walking has become our default way of unassisted moving about for much of our lives. If we can longer achieve this basic functionality, due to disease, injury or just ageing, it has both physical and psychological consequences. Our partners Permobil have carried out extensive research to show the benefits of a standing wheelchair. The years of R&D have resulted in the latest Permobil F5 Corpus Vertical Stander power chair. Here we share some of the key insights from the Permobil research and the benefits to users of a [...]

Longford / Roscommon leading the way to provide a Changing Places facility for their community

13.5% of the Irish Population has a disability ( and while many accessible toilets meet their needs there is a large proportion of people and their carers who cannot visit public places due to the lack of suitable toilet facilities.  The Changing Places campaign in ireland is highlighting the need for more of these types of facilities to allow families, friends and carers take part in activities and visit places such as a zoo, libraries, swimming pools, shopping centres and sporting arenas most of us take for granted. Changing Places [...]

Choosing the correct wheelchair

Selecting the most suitable wheelchair is essential and with the help of our product specialist, it will ensure you have the perfect fit for optimal comfort, optimum posture and pressure relief, manoeuvrability indoors and outdoors and support for your daily living requirements and independence. Selecting a wheelchair depends on many elements – diagnosis and injury level, age, body type, activity level, functional ability, transportation and daily usage.  Our range of wheelchairs addresses all these factors to meet an individuals needs. Life is busy and your chair must reflect your [...]


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