Information Hub

Information Hub2022-01-14T12:14:05+00:00

Face Masks to be worn in all Secondary Schools in Ireland

Government guidelines for the reopening of schools that were drawn up in June has today been updated as the policy on face coverings has changed since that time. Face masks will now be required for all students and teachers when a distance of 1 m cannot be maintained. The updated recommendations were published by the Department of Education following engagement with teachers, principals, and other key education stakeholders.The updated advice was provided by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Minister for Education Norma Foley said she had been working with the [...]

Face Masks to be worn in Third Level Institutions and Colleges in Ireland

As guidelines for reopening schools and colleges continue to be updated in line with the public health advice it has been announced that students at third-level institutions will be advised to wear face coverings when attending lectures on campus if they cannot maintain a distance of two metres during lectures. According to new recommendations from the Government, the guidelines acknowledge that some learning will take place online, but where two-metre distancing is not possible for tuition, staff members should wear face shields or visors.The guidance refers to the recommendation of [...]

Back to school ready – pens, mini sanitiser & face masks.

The COVID-19 Response Plan details the policies and practices necessary for a school to meet the government’s Return to Work Safely Protocol. The Department of Education plan for school reopening that will aim to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in the school environment. Individual schools will have to manage revised timetables, new classroom layouts and a range of additional hygiene measures to be undertaken by both staff and pupils. The importance of social distancing, respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene remain the core principles of the plan. The plan [...]

Face coverings to be mandatory in all shops, retail settings & shopping centres in Ireland

The wearing of face coverings or face masks is to become mandatory in Ireland in all shops, retail settings and shopping centres for both retail staff and customers. The Taoiseach, Micheal Martin,  announced this evening , 15th July, that Ireland will not move to Phase 4 of the Roadmap for the Reopening of the Country on Monday and while current health measures will remain in place until the 10th August , the advice on the mandatory wearing of face masks in retail settings is one of the latest measures announced [...]

Frozen Fan gets New Chair Fit for a Princess

With the movie Frozen being the Number 1 animated film in the world, it was only fitting that Frozen Fan, Alex got the MMS Medical star treatment for her new chair. Working with Occupational Therapist, Noreen O'Keeffe of Enable Ireland Kilkenny, our Senior Product Specialist Ray Ryan, delivered a Tilite ZRA manual wheelchair with Dreamline STX cushion. As an active user,  the Tilite ZRA is the ideal lightweight choice. With full adjustability and a minimalist mono-tube frame, the ZRA portrays style without boundaries. As a growing young lady, the chair [...]

Wheels in Motion at MMS Medical

As Ireland continues to live with Covid-19 and schools and business return to a new normal, the MMS Medical team are glad to be back conducting assessments, seating clinics, at home surveys and product deliveries nationwide. While we were able to remain open with reduced staff and services during the Covid-19 pandemic to support our clients, some of our services and deliveries were duly impacted. We can now begin to engage again with our healthcare professionals and clients for our full range of products and services.  The MMS Medical team [...]

MMS Medical takes over responsibility for the Rota Brand in Ireland

From the 1st July 2020, MMS Medical will assume overall responsibility for the assessment, sales, distribution and after care of the Rota brand of manual wheelchairs in Ireland due to the retirement of dealer principles David and Joan Diamond of Delta Orthopaedic. Both MMS Medical and Delta Orthopaedic have combined experience of over 60 years in the industry and MMS Medical have been supplying the Rota chairs in Ireland for several years. This will be a seamless transition and there will be no disruption to production, availability or supply of [...]

How to wear a face mask correctly

    As the wearing of facemasks becomes our new norm it's important to wear them correctly to provide the best protection. The Government has advised the wearing of a face covering in situations where it is difficult to practice social distancing. For example, in shops and on public transport. Face coverings help prevent people who do not know they have the virus from spreading it to others. If you wear one, you should still do the important things necessary to prevent the spread of the virus. Do Clean your [...]

Face Coverings recommended as Phase One on easing restrictions begins on Monday 18th May

The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar has announced the easing of restrictions from Monday 18th May, in Ireland. As many businesses and their staff return to work as outlined in Phase One of the Governments Roadmap existing hygiene measures and social distancing will still form part of our everyday activities. The Taoiseach has also introduced an additional hygiene measure. People should use face coverings or face masks when using busy public transport or in an enclosed indoor public area, such as retail, from Monday, as part of Phase One of the easing [...]


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