Simply put, a rollator is a walker with a wheel at the bottom of each leg. MMS Medical offers a range of 4 wheel rollators designed to improve mobility and assist you in daily activities such as going to the shops. All our rollators come with a carrier bag as standard to carry your things and are easy to fold for transport. Rollators tend to be easier to use than walkers because they are simply pushed along rather than having to be lifted. Rollators are ideal for outdoor use where the surfaces may be uneven making it easier to navigate parks and visitor attractions. They can also be used indoors, and some are even narrow enough to navigate through tricky halls and doorways.

People get a rollator for all kinds of reasons, but the most common reason from our MMS Medical client’s feedback is they are looking for a mobility aid that will give them more support than a cane or walking stick, and they don’t want to be slowed down by a walker. People should consider a rollator if they need more assistant than a cane can provide, need to take a rest while out walking or shopping or want the additional support and mobility a rollator can provide. Call to the MMS Medical Showroom in Cork to see the range of rollators or talk to our mobility product specialist who will assist in your selection.

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