Wheelchair Backrest
Custom contoured backrests are easily and effectively accomplished with a Free Form Backrest Kit.
The shell can be increased or decreased in size to get the desired contouring. The width between the lateral supports, lumbar curve and upper thoracic region can all be quickly and easily fitted to the client.
Free Form Back Kits are an excellent solution for a scoliosis, kyphosis, weight fluctuations, and anyone who requires a custom moulded backrest.
Low Back Kits include:
- Free Form Shell
- Cover
- Pair of Independent Mounts
- 4 mm hex key
Standard Back Kits include:
- Free Form Shell
- Cover
- Mounting Hardware (Choose either Centre Mount or Independent Mounts)
- 4 mm hex key
- Package of Alloy 2-Balls
- Extra shell modules for adding additional support if needed
- Extended screws for mounting accessories