Protac® BallBase is a sensory-stimulating mattress pad with integrated balls giving the user calming sensory-stimulation from the mattress pad during rest and sleep. In this way, Protac® BallBase is discrete to use and can be used by both children, teenagers, adults and elderly people. The use is independent from the blanket the user normally sleeps with. For users with a strong need for sensory-stimulation, Protac® BallBase can be combined with the Protac Ball Blanket®.

Protac® BallBase can be used in both ordinary beds and in hospital beds. This is an advantage for the caretakers, since the user can feel at ease, and at the same time the caretaker has a comfortable working posture for nursing the user.

Protac® BallBase can be used by both children, teenagers, adults and elderly people and can be used for sleeping all night and for a rest during the day. The mattress pad can alleviate symptoms of sensory disturbances, ADHD, autism, psychiatric and neurologic impairments, pain and sleeping disturbances.

Protac® BallBase can be an alternative to the Protac Ball Blanket® or a supplement to users with a strong need for sensory stimulation.