Quickie Zippie TS has a new look! In addition to its traditional performance as our premier rigid paediatric tilt-in-space chair, the Zippie TS now folds.
The new Zippie TS features built-in frame expansion, both rigid and folding frames, and all of the latest in paediatric accessories. With the full array of Quickie wheel and colour options the Zippie TS sets itself apart as the industry leader.
The Zippie TS is ranked No. 2 on contract HSE 9233 in the following categories:
Lot 2.04 Tilt in Space, lightweight, Self Propelled, Folding, Adjustable for growth.
Lot 2.05 Tilt in Space, Attendant Propelled, Rigid Frame, Durable Adjustable for growth.
For full specification details of the Zippie TS on HSE 9233, please contact you local MMS Medical representative or call us on 021 4618000